The Definitive Guide To Car Window Tinting Laws In Tennessee

When it comes to customizing your car, adding window tints can not only enhance its aesthetic appeal but also provide numerous practical benefits. However, before you rush to tint your car windows, it's crucial to understand Tennessee’s car window tinting laws. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the regulations governing car window tinting in Franklin, TN, exceptions to these rules, and everything you need to know to ensure your vehicle complies with the law.

Understanding Tennessee’s Car Window Tinting Laws

TN’s laws regarding car window tinting are clear and concise. To help you stay informed and compliant, we've broken down the key points:

1. Windshield Tinting: Non-reflective tint is Permitted

When it comes to the windshield, TN’s law allows for non-reflective tint on the top 6 inches of the glass. However, it's important to note that this top strip should not extend down beyond the AS-1 line, which is typically marked on the windshield.

2. Front Side Windows: Visible Light Transmission (VLT) Requirements

The front side windows, those in front of the driver and passenger, must allow at least 35% of light to pass through. This means that 35% VLT is the minimum allowed window tinting darkness for these windows.

3. Rear Side Windows and Rear Window: More Flexibility

Unlike the front side windows, there are no specific VLT requirements for the rear side windows or the rear window. This flexibility allows you to apply darker tint to these windows if you prefer increased privacy and sun protection.

4. Reflectivity Limits: Keep it Low

In addition to darkness levels, Tennessee law stipulates that tinted windows should not be overly reflective. The goal is to maintain the original reflectivity of the window glass.

5. Medical Exemptions: Special Considerations

For individuals with certain medical conditions that require increased protection from sunlight, TN provides exemptions. To qualify for this exemption, you'll need a medical certificate, which should be kept in your vehicle at all times.

6. Law Enforcement Discretion: Use Caution

While the regulations are clear, law enforcement officers do have some discretion when enforcing window tinting laws. To avoid potential fines or issues during traffic stops, it's essential to ensure your tint complies with the state's regulations.

7. Illegal Tint: Consequences

It's important to note that installing illegal window tint can lead to fines and penalties. To avoid legal troubles, always adhere to the state's regulations.

Exceptions To The Rule

While Tennessee has clear guidelines for car window tinting, there are some exceptions you should be aware of:

Antique or classic vehicles originally manufactured with tinted windows may be exempt from these regulations. If you have a medical condition that requires increased UV protection, you can apply for a medical exemption to have darker tints on your windows. Additionally, commercial vehicles may have different tinting rules, so you must check with the relevant authorities if you own or drive such a vehicle.

Window Tint for SUVs and Sedans:

  • Front Side Windows: The front side windows must allow at least 35% visible light for SUVs and sedans. This regulation applies uniformly to all non-commercial vehicles, ensuring consistent standards for tint darkness.

  • Back Side Windows: Similar to front side windows, rear side windows on SUVs and sedans must also adhere to the 35% VLT requirement. This rule helps balance privacy and visibility for drivers and passengers.

  • Rear Window: Tennessee's window tint regulations do not specify a particular darkness requirement for the rear window of SUVs and sedans. However, it's essential to be mindful of the overall VLT percentage on all windows, ensuring compliance with the law.

Experience Perfect Tinting At Protint Window Tinting In Franklin, TN!

Ready to transform your car with expert window tinting services? Look no further than Protint Window Tinting, where we specialize in providing top-notch tinting solutions that enhance both style and comfort. Take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of professionally tinted windows. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discover why we're the preferred choice for window tinting in Franklin, TN! Your journey to a cooler, more stylish ride starts here.