Pop Goes The Tint: Remove Window Tint Bubbles Like A Pro

Expecting a certain level of privacy inside your car can be your choice. Besides, you may want to protect yourself from the glare of the sun. Car window tinting in Murfreesboro, TN, is a popular way to enhance the look of your vehicle, provide privacy and reduce glare and heat inside the car. However, one of the most frustrating issues with tinting is the generation of bubbles in the tint film.

What Is The Possible Cause Of Car Window Tint Bubble Generation?

There are several reasons why bubbles can form in your window tinting–

  • One of the most common causes is the poor quality of the tint film or improper installation. If the window has a faulty tinting installation, it can form air pockets, which can turn into bubbles.

  • Another possible reason for bubble formation is high heat or humidity exposure. When the tint film gets exposed to high temperatures or moisture, it can expand or contract, causing air pockets to form.

Ways To Remove Tint Bubbles From The Window

If you're dealing with window tint bubbles, there are a few ways to remove them from your car windows–

  • One of the simplest ways is to use a credit card or similar flat tool to push the bubbles out towards the edge of the film.

  • You can also use a heat gun or hairdryer to warm up the film and make it more pliable, allowing you to smooth out the bubbles. However, it's essential to be careful when using heat, as too much can damage the film or shatter the glass.

  • Another option is to use a tint-removal solution, which can dissolve the adhesive and make it easier to remove the film. This method is more effective for giant-size bubbles or areas with more extensive damage. However, it can be time-consuming and messy, so it's best to leave this to the professionals.

What Preventive Measures Can You Take Initially?

Prevention is always better than a cure and you can take several preventive measures to avoid the formation of bubbles in your car window tinting.

  • First and foremost, choosing a high-quality tint film is vital to ensure that it is installed correctly by a professional installer.

  • You should also avoid rolling down the windows immediately after installation, which can cause the film to shift and form bubbles.

  • Additionally, it's best to avoid exposing the tint film to high heat or humidity. That means avoiding parking your car in direct sunlight for extended periods, especially during summer. You can also use a sunshade or park the vehicle in a shaded area to protect your car's interior from the heat.

ProTint Window Tinting - Your Ultimate Solution

If you're struggling with window tint bubbles in your car and need professional assistance, get ready to contact none but ProTint Window Tinting. Our expert team has years of industry experience and can help you with all your car window tinting in Murfreesboro, TN.

We use high-quality tint films and ensure the correct installation to avoid any issues with bubble formation. We also provide tint removal services, so if you're dealing with extensive damage, we can help you remove the old film and install a new one.

Let us make your car look impressive and provide you with the protection and privacy you need.