5 Benefits of Car Window Tinting That Make It So Popular

Getting your car’s window tinted is an immediate boost to the aesthetic and appearance of your ride, but did you know that the advantages of car window tinting extend beyond cosmetic purposes. In this post, we will cover 5 benefits of installing a window film on your vehicle.

#1 Provides Protection against UV Rays

Tennesse summers can be pretty brutal. You probably already know how important it is to wear sunglasses and slather on sunscreen, but have you ever considered adding sun protection to your car windows? The more you think about it, the more sense it makes. A lot of us spend hours driving on the commute, and windows with UV-blocking ceramic tints can protect you from 99.9% of the harmful UVA and UVB rays. It prevents you from getting a trucker-tan along the left side of your body. If your children travel with you frequently, the window film will also see to making your car comfortable for them.

#2 Keeps Your Upholstery from Fading

Sun damage does not only affect your skin. Prolonged exposure to the rays can also cause your car’s upholstery to fade over time. Now since the sun doesn’t hit the car’s interior uniformly, it leaves uneven discolored patches.

Discoloration is not even the only worry. The leather in car seats contains natural oils that keep it smooth and supple. Under the sun, these oils begin to dry out leaving behind stiff and cracked leather.

Even if you have vinyl upholstery, direct sunlight for long periods of time (such as when parked at work) can still cause sunspots and cracks, severely taking away from its life span.

#3 Offers Insulation for Solar Heat

Murfreesboro residents need no introduction to intense summer heat. Getting back in your car after it has been sitting in the sun all day can be very uncomfortable. Thankfully, with the right window tinting, you can keep your interior from overheating.

The air conditioning will also have to work only half as hard to maintain an ambient temperature. Apart from ensuring longer durability for the car’s AC system, it also means better gas mileage.

There are certain components in a car - dashboard, steering wheel, and even the dashboard accessories that can react adversely to the heat (even if they are not exposed to direct sunlight). A car window film keeps your car cool, clean, and comfortable.

#4 Ensures Privacy and Security

Car window tinting provides an extra layer of security. Everyone wants to keep their personal spaces safely away from the prying eyes of strangers. Getting dark windows helps create a private bubble for you and your co-passengers, away from the gaze of other motorists or pedestrians.

Another incredible benefit of window tints is that it dissuades thieves from targeting your vehicle. When the intruder cannot see inside your car, they are less likely to break in. Ideally, the best course of action is to remove anything valuable from your car, but since that is not always practical, dark films are the next best thing.

#5 Offers Additional Impact Resistance

Last but not the least, a tint job can provide additional strength and impact resistance. Of course, a film is not going to make your car window bulletproof but it will make the glass less prone to shattering under assault from inclement weather, airborne debris (like blown-over tree branches) as well as smash-grab burglars.

In case your window does shatter, the polyester from the tint film has the ability to hold the broken pieces together, making sure that the passengers do not incur injuries from the glass shards.

Protint Window Tinting is one of the best places in Murfreesboro, Tennesse to get a window tinting job done. Our crew is professional, extremely trustworthy, and flexible. We assure you that our services will leave you satisfied. Get a free quote today by visiting us! You can also find our website online.